Selected press reports and excerpts on IMMI

METAHAVEN: An interview with Birgitta Jónsdóttir | Black Transparency – Writing Laws in Etherpad

METAHAVEN: An interview with Smári McCarthy | Black Transparency – Intersection between law and code

EU Parliament: Resolution on the 2011 progress report on Iceland
EU ParliamentEuropean Parliament voted in favor of amendment in support of IMMI – 413/246 votes. (PDF)
EU Parliament:  Smári McCarthy speaks at the European Parliament about IMMI

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)Icelandic grassroots innovation to legislation
Savage MindsData Havens of Iceland
GrapevineInformation Without Borders?
Book review – This Machine Kills Secrets, eftir Andy Greenberg – a full chapter in the book is about IMMI
Reykjavik Grapevine:  Paradise Lost?

Techdirt: Cloud Computing To Save Europe, Or Just Iceland?
New Europe: Cold storage: Iceland bids to become data centre
Inter Press Service: Alternative to WikiLeaks Arises in Iceland
Tor Camp 2012Building a Haven for Data and Journalism with IMMI (PDF)
International Journal of Communication: Beyond WikiLeaks: The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative & the Creation of Free Speech Havens
GrapevineTwo Years Old: IMMI Inches Through Icelandic Parliament
RT: The Alyona Show, viðtal við Smára McCarthy: Iceland: Strives to Be Info Freedom Haven
Mediamorphis: The Twitter-Wikileaks Cases and the Battle for the Network Free Press, Now its Personal: an Afternoon with Birgitta Jonsdottir
The Guardian: Birgitta Jonsdottir: Why I’m suing the US government to protect internet freedom
It’s Rainmaking Time: New Hope for the World Interview w Birgitta Jonsdottir
Thom Hartmann:  LIVE from Reykjavik, Iceland w Birgitta Jonsdottir – Um IMMI og IPU, Manning og WikiLeaks
TRUTHCONBirgitta Jonsdottir on Bradley Manning Panel
Future Challenges: Birgitta Jonsdottir interview during Open Government Camp in Berlin talking about IMMI, banking, and social media. 

Judith Ehrlich: Documentary about IMMI & Birgitta: The Mouse That Roared – Trailer IV – 2014
Judith Ehrlich: Documentary about IMMI & Birgitta: The Mouse That Roared/OPEN – Trailer III
Judith Ehrlich: Documentary about IMMI & Birgitta: The Mouse That Roared – Trailer II
Judith Ehrlich: Documentary about IMMI & Birgitta: The Mouse that Roared – Trailer I 
UNHCR/Freedom House: Freedom of the Press 2011 – Iceland
Keynote at Kapittel, videoBirgitta Jonsdottir, Legalizing Freedom of Information. – text
CafeBabel, Natali Lekka: Birgitta Jonsdottir talks about poetry, freedom of online information & her work with IMMI
Chaos Communication Camp 2011:  Birgitta Jonsdottir – IMMI  update (video)
Liberation: French Create a sanctuary of journalism in Iceland
Idea City 2011: Birgitta Jonsdottir talks about IMMI & activism, co-creation and why she is a poetician.
EU council: Internet Freedom: Interview with Iceland MP Birgitta Jonsdottir
Re:Publica: Smari McCarthy, ræða – IMMI as an interface between the Internet and the State
Free Press Day, AmsterdamPress Freedom Lecture by Birgitta Jonsdottir / Q&A after
New Europe: Iceland aims to become safe haven for journalists and data
Icelandic revolution project: Birgitta Jonsdottir speaks about IMMI
Budapest New Tech MeetupRethinking the protection of free speech Smari McCarthy keynote about IMMI
LA Times: Iceland seeks to become sanctuary for free speech
CCTV, WikiLeaks 2010:  Switzerland of Bits – Here be dragons!
CCC-TV, Daniel Domscheit-Berg 2011IMMI, from concept to reality – our need for a well-regulated flow of information
Al Jazeera: The Listening Post
New York TimesA Vision of Iceland as a Haven for Journalists
BBC News: Wikileaks and Iceland MPs propose ‘journalism haven’
The Economist: The Switzerland of bits
The Guardian: Iceland plans future as global haven for freedom of speech
The SpectatorCould Iceland really become an “Information Haven”?
The Guardian: Iceland aims to become haven for investigative journalism
Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard: Iceland aims to become an offshore haven for journalists and leakers
NPRCould Iceland’s Financial Meltdown Create The World’s First Free Speech State?

The Corbett Report: The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, viðtal við Professor Salvor Gissurardottir 
The Corbett Report: The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, viðtal við Professor Salvor Gissurardottir Die Schweiz der Bits (german)
Tages Anzeiger: Island will Pressefreiheit zum Standortvorteil machen (german)
BBC News: Iceland’s journalism freedom dream prompted by Wikileaks
The Right Perspective (blog): Iceland To Become “Journalist Haven”?
GigaOm (blog): Iceland Looks to Create Information Haven
The Hindu: Plan for global freedom of speech centre
World Association of Newspapers: Iceland as a ‘Journalism Haven’
IDG, Computerworld: Icelanders hope to host controversial data from around world