Selected press reports and excerpts on IMMI
METAHAVEN: An interview with Birgitta Jónsdóttir | Black Transparency – Writing Laws in Etherpad
METAHAVEN: An interview with Smári McCarthy | Black Transparency – Intersection between law and code
EU Parliament: Resolution on the 2011 progress report on Iceland
EU Parliament: European Parliament voted in favor of amendment in support of IMMI – 413/246 votes. (PDF)
EU Parliament: Smári McCarthy speaks at the European Parliament about IMMI
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA): Icelandic grassroots innovation to legislation
Savage Minds: Data Havens of Iceland
Grapevine: Information Without Borders?
Book review – This Machine Kills Secrets, eftir Andy Greenberg – a full chapter in the book is about IMMI
Reykjavik Grapevine: Paradise Lost?
Techdirt: Cloud Computing To Save Europe, Or Just Iceland?
New Europe: Cold storage: Iceland bids to become data centre
Inter Press Service: Alternative to WikiLeaks Arises in Iceland
Tor Camp 2012: Building a Haven for Data and Journalism with IMMI (PDF)
International Journal of Communication: Beyond WikiLeaks: The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative & the Creation of Free Speech Havens
Grapevine: Two Years Old: IMMI Inches Through Icelandic Parliament
RT: The Alyona Show, viðtal við Smára McCarthy: Iceland: Strives to Be Info Freedom Haven
Mediamorphis: The Twitter-Wikileaks Cases and the Battle for the Network Free Press, Now its Personal: an Afternoon with Birgitta Jonsdottir
The Guardian: Birgitta Jonsdottir: Why I’m suing the US government to protect internet freedom
It’s Rainmaking Time: New Hope for the World Interview w Birgitta Jonsdottir
Thom Hartmann: LIVE from Reykjavik, Iceland w Birgitta Jonsdottir – Um IMMI og IPU, Manning og WikiLeaks
TRUTHCON: Birgitta Jonsdottir on Bradley Manning Panel
Future Challenges: Birgitta Jonsdottir interview during Open Government Camp in Berlin talking about IMMI, banking, and social media.
Judith Ehrlich: Documentary about IMMI & Birgitta: The Mouse That Roared – Trailer IV – 2014
Judith Ehrlich: Documentary about IMMI & Birgitta: The Mouse That Roared/OPEN – Trailer III
Judith Ehrlich: Documentary about IMMI & Birgitta: The Mouse That Roared – Trailer II
Judith Ehrlich: Documentary about IMMI & Birgitta: The Mouse that Roared – Trailer I
UNHCR/Freedom House: Freedom of the Press 2011 – Iceland
Keynote at Kapittel, video: Birgitta Jonsdottir, Legalizing Freedom of Information. – text
CafeBabel, Natali Lekka: Birgitta Jonsdottir talks about poetry, freedom of online information & her work with IMMI
Chaos Communication Camp 2011: Birgitta Jonsdottir – IMMI update (video)
Liberation: French Create a sanctuary of journalism in Iceland
Idea City 2011: Birgitta Jonsdottir talks about IMMI & activism, co-creation and why she is a poetician.
EU council: Internet Freedom: Interview with Iceland MP Birgitta Jonsdottir
Re:Publica: Smari McCarthy, ræða – IMMI as an interface between the Internet and the State
Free Press Day, Amsterdam: Press Freedom Lecture by Birgitta Jonsdottir / Q&A after
New Europe: Iceland aims to become safe haven for journalists and data
Icelandic revolution project: Birgitta Jonsdottir speaks about IMMI
Budapest New Tech Meetup: Rethinking the protection of free speech Smari McCarthy keynote about IMMI
LA Times: Iceland seeks to become sanctuary for free speech
CCTV, WikiLeaks 2010: Switzerland of Bits – Here be dragons!
CCC-TV, Daniel Domscheit-Berg 2011: IMMI, from concept to reality – our need for a well-regulated flow of information
Al Jazeera: The Listening Post
New York Times: A Vision of Iceland as a Haven for Journalists
BBC News: Wikileaks and Iceland MPs propose ‘journalism haven’
The Economist: The Switzerland of bits
The Guardian: Iceland plans future as global haven for freedom of speech
The Spectator: Could Iceland really become an “Information Haven”?
The Guardian: Iceland aims to become haven for investigative journalism
Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard: Iceland aims to become an offshore haven for journalists and leakers
NPR: Could Iceland’s Financial Meltdown Create The World’s First Free Speech State?
The Corbett Report: The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, viðtal við Professor Salvor Gissurardottir
The Corbett Report: The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, viðtal við Professor Salvor Gissurardottir Die Schweiz der Bits (german)
Tages Anzeiger: Island will Pressefreiheit zum Standortvorteil machen (german)
BBC News: Iceland’s journalism freedom dream prompted by Wikileaks
The Right Perspective (blog): Iceland To Become “Journalist Haven”?
GigaOm (blog): Iceland Looks to Create Information Haven
The Hindu: Plan for global freedom of speech centre
World Association of Newspapers: Iceland as a ‘Journalism Haven’
IDG, Computerworld: Icelanders hope to host controversial data from around world